What is the Arab Union?
The Arab Union of War Veterans and Victims of War is a regional Arab non-governmental organization founded upon the invitation of the Association of Veterans and Victims of War in Cairo, its sisters in Syria - Gaza to a general conference on 2/20/1960 in Cairo in order to exchange views on future projects to serve veterans and families of martyrs And identifying the artistic activities of the societies and organizing the exchange of technicians between the societies to achieve the advancement of the technical aspects in the service of veterans and studying the comparison of the basic laws of the societies.
1- The Union of Veterans of Nations was established under the honorary presidency of the late Mr. Field Marshal / Abdel Hakim Amer. Vice President of the Republic - Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces (former) as an international Arab non-governmental organization whose permanent headquarters is in Cairo and under the auspices of the Egyptian Ministry of Defense, when Egypt has a pioneering role in favor of Arab causes .
2- Issued by Mr. President / Gamal Abdel Nasser. . Republican Decree No. (919) of 1962 approving financial aid to the Arab Union of Veterans in the budget of the General Office of the Army at an amount of 10,000 pounds.
3- The Ministry of Insurance and Social Affairs of the Arab Union of Veterans and War Victims was certified as a foreign non-governmental organization to practice association activities.
4- Authorization No. (35) dated 9/29/2004 expires on 9/30/2007.
5- The permit was renewed and expires on 9/30/2017.
6- It was approved to form an Arab Federation of Associations of Veterans and Victims of War, with headquarters in Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt.
This announcement was issued by three organizations: -
1- The Veterans Association of Veterans and Victims of the Egyptian War. “The southern region of the United Arab Republic demonstrated the unity between Egypt and Syria.”
2- The Association of Ancient Warriors in Damascus. Northern Territory ”
3- The Association of Ancient Warriors in Aleppo. Northern Territory ”
On the fourth of August of the same year 1960, the Palestinian Veterans Association joined Gaza, representing the Palestinian people.
Based on what was approved in the meeting of the call to form an Arab Federation of Associations of Veterans and War Victims
The Council of the League of Arab States issued a decision in the September 1961 session, calling on Arab countries that did not establish associations for veterans to encourage the establishment of these societies in preparation for joining the Arab Union.
In December 1962, the number of members reached (7):
Veterans Association. . . Egypt
Veterans Association. . . Damascus
The wounded militant association in Jerusalem. . . Palestine
The wounded militant association in Jerusalem. . . Palestine
Revolution Men's Association. . . Damascus
Moroccan Association. . . Morocco, West, sunset
Gaza Association. . . Gaza
The Arab Federation of Veterans Societies was declared in the Ministry of Social Affairs under No. 1464 on 10/30/1961 Its purposes: overseeing the interests of member societies, directing them to achieve their goals, and coordinating efforts between them. The honorary presidency of the federation was held by Marshal / Abdel Hakim Amer, Vice President of the Republic and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces - Egyptian Minister of Defense and Military Production at the time.
The objectives of the Arab Federation of Veterans and War Victims Associations:
1- The pursuit of world peace and support among the Arab people, inspired by international covenants and their humanitarian and social message while providing peace and ensuring a decent life for all veterans.
2- Improving the social situation of veterans, mujahideen, war victims, retired people, and families of martyrs. To achieve this goal, measures are taken to urge governments to increase all benefits and benefits of social security for them as well as accept and exchange aid with international organizations and provide the possibilities for vocational and professional training and work for war victims and the injured in service and pursuit by governments In order to provide more care in the social, health, material and moral areas.
3- Seeking cooperation between member societies and bodies in order to achieve cooperation in the international field with organizations and bodies that carry out similar or similar activities and which the Union deems it useful to cooperate with.
4- Coordinating the work of member associations and bodies and working to improve the level of their services
5 - Work to establish new associations or bodies in the Arab countries, in particular, in which there are no such associations or bodies.
6- Unifying the general policy of the member societies and bodies and linking them with the various parties with regard to public policy and financing.
7- Assisting in affirming brotherhood ties between Arab countries to serve common causes
8- Cooperating with similar international bodies and organizations in the field of serving world peace issues and improving the social level of veterans and war victims
9- Reviving, maintaining and valuing the historical, Qatari and national memory.