Origin System
1- General Provisions
1- The provisions of the basic regulations of the Arab Federation of Veterans and War Victims shall be implemented by the provisions mentioned herein
2- In applying this system, we mean:
In the Federation: The Arab Federation of War Veterans and Victims of War
The General Assembly: The general assembly of the Arab Union of Veterans and War Victims
Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Arab Federation of War Veterans and Victims of War
In the Secretariat: The General Secretariat of the Arab Union of Veterans and War Victims
By member: every association, organization, institution, association, delegate, or the like
The President of the Union: He is the president of the Arab Union of War Veterans and Victims of War
Director: The president of the association, organization, institution, commission, or association, member of the federation.
Amin: Secretary General of the Arab Union of War Veterans and Victims of War
Assistant Secretary: Assistant Secretary General of the Arab Union of War Veterans and Victims of War
Treasurer: Treasurer of the Arab Union of Veterans and War Victims
2- Membership of the union
Membership is open to all associations, institutions, or delegates that take care of veterans, mujahideen, retired people, and victims of war in Arab countries, with no more than (2) organizations in the country. Union activity to the General Secretariat, which is competent to study the applicability of membership conditions.
The General Secretariat submits membership applications to the General Assembly, which has the right to accept or reject the application. In the latter case, the applicant may appeal the rejection decision at the first meeting of the General Assembly that follows that.
Members must abide by the Federation’s objectives and activities. In the event of a breach thereof, the General Assembly is entitled, by a majority of two-thirds of the attending members, to suspend membership, subject to the following procedures: -
The General Secretariat shall notify the Director of the Association / Institution / Association the member before the meeting of the General Assembly by a certified letter with acknowledgment of receipt ... or on the e-mail if it exists indicating the violations attributed to him, at least two months before the meeting of the General Assembly.
The member association attends the General Secretariat and responds to the violations attributed to him in writing.
The member association may attend the general assembly meeting in which the subject is discussed or respond in writing to the waste attributed to it.
The Member Association may appeal the freezing decision before the General Assembly in its first session following the decision
The member assembly may request the General Secretariat to cancel the freezing decision if the reasons for it are removed, and the rejection decision may be appealed in accordance with the previous paragraph.
In the event that the freezing decision is canceled, the member must pay all the financial dues to the Federation arising during the freeze period.
It is not permissible for any member of the Union to withdraw from it except by a decision issued by the competent authorities in his country, and the withdrawal is not considered final until one year after the arrival of a special notice about that from the administrative authority in the member’s country to the General Secretariat and the General Assembly, and the member may request to return again to the Federation and the General Assembly The right to accept or reject the request, taking into account the right to appeal according to what is stipulated in the article).
Membership in the Federation may be suspended in the following cases: -
1- If he committed an act that would cause material or moral damage to the Federation.2- If he breaches his obligations in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Regulations.
3- It is permissible to suspend membership and not attend the General Assembly of any association, institution or association in the event that its obligations are late for their due date for two consecutive years despite being warned without having justifications to convince the General Assembly.
4- Membership may be returned to the member whose membership lost his membership due to non-payment of contributions based on the decision of the General Assembly if he paid the amounts due from him during the following year.
5- A member who withdraws, dismissed, or a member whose membership has forfeited does not have a right to the Federation’s funds, with the exception of funds that members contribute to investment projects in partnership with the Federation.
6- Participation in membership of international federations and organizations. The federation may participate in membership of any of the international / regional federations working in the same field and with the approval of the General Assembly.
The President of the Federation shall carry out his duties as follows:
1- Approving the internal regulations regulating the workflow based on the proposal of the General Secretariat.2 - Managing the affairs of the federation in any of the works except for those that are stipulated in the articles of association of the federation that the general assembly must approve them before conducting them.
3- Reviewing the report of the Secretary-General before submitting it to the Board of Directors or the General Assembly.
4- Supervising the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors.
5- Proposing means and means of developing the Union’s financial resources and submitting them to the Board of Directors and the General Assembly for approval.
6- Striving for international governmental and non-governmental bodies and organizations to raise the level of the Union’s members and work to provide a decent life for veterans, resistance fighters and Mujahideen
7- The Arab Veterans Union is represented before the judiciary, governmental and international bodies, and is considered the official spokesman for the Union.
8- Issuing decisions in urgent matters, provided that they are presented to the first session of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.
The General Assembly may grant the honorary presidency of the Federation to the President of the country in which the General Assembly is held for a period of one year
Two part-time vice presidents are elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years, renewable, provided that he is a member of countries outside the headquarters country (director / president) of an association, institution or association.The two vice-presidents of the federation carry out their duties as follows:
Assisting the President of the Federation in endeavoring to unify the general policy of member societies and bodies and linking them with the authorities with regard to public policy and financing, through the preparation of studies and research.Assisting the President of the Union in endeavoring with the various Arab countries to establish new associations or bodies for veterans and victims of war, especially Arab countries that do not have such associations.
The First Vice President shall replace the President of the Union in the event of his absence from the meetings.
In the event that the president of the federation is absent from the headquarters of the federation or is temporarily unable to perform his duties, the secretary general shall replace him.
In the event that the president of the federation is unable to carry out his duties (finally), the general assembly of the federation shall convene within six months at the most to elect a new president upon the invitation of the First Vice President and in coordination with the General Secretariat, in case of their abstinence. For the invitation within the specified period, any association, institution, association, delegate, or member organization in the federation has the right to propose to call the general assembly to convene to elect a new president to succeed the president of the union.
Organs that represent the federation and their specializations
The Federation shall carry out its responsibilities in the manner set forth in this bylaw and its bylaw and work to achieve the objectives by the following regulatory bodies:
(A) The General Assembly. (B) Board of Directors. (C) The General Secretariat.
(A) The General Assembly
A- The General Assembly is the supreme body of the Union and the authority to formulate its policies, direct its activities, and issue decisions that guarantee the achievement of its objectives. It is mainly concerned with the following matters: -
(1) - Discussing the annual reports submitted by the members. These reports include a statement of the measures that the members have decided or taken in order to achieve common goals.
(2) - Examine and approve the budget of the Union, the closing account and the planning budget for the fiscal year.
(3) - It approves the internal regulations to organize work and distribute it to the members.
(4) - Ratify the agreements concluded by the board of directors.
(5) - Appointing an auditor who is not a member of the board of directors or working in the union, determining his rights and financial remuneration, and discussing his report
(6) - Consider issues that the board of directors deems to be included in the agenda.
(7) Discussing and approving the report of the Secretary-General on the Federation's activities, and discussing and approving the report of the Treasurer.
(8) Discussing the reports of the General Assembly committees and the recommendations of the General Secretariat and issuing the final decisions and recommendations thereon.
(9) - Decide on the decisions of the Board of Directors regarding requests to join, freeze or return membership of societies, institutions, associations and delegates.
(10) - Electing the President of the Union, two deputies, the Secretary General, the Assistant Secretary-General and the Treasurer, every three years, from the country in which the Union is based, provided that the representatives are from outside the headquarters country.
B - The General Assembly is made up of members of the Arab Union of Veterans Participants in its session, and they alone have the right to vote, provided that each country has one vote when votes are taken even if more than one association, body, or institution is present.
C - The General Assembly may invite whomever it deems necessary to participate in the General Assembly meetings as observers, and they are: -
Representatives of international, regional or governmental bodies, as well as governmental and non-governmental organizations, bodies and non-member states of the Arab Union, who are invited by the Federation's General Secretariat.
The General Secretariat of the Federation may also invite some public figures to attend the General Assembly meetings, and any of these can take the floor after the approval of the President.
D- The General Assembly shall convene periodically in the Arab member states according to the arrangement provided by the League of Arab States, and it may be held in the country of headquarters in the event that it is not held in any of the countries in which the role is based upon the invitation of the President of the Union.
It is also permissible for any of the member states of the Union, in agreement with the General Secretariat, to propose that the Assembly be held in his country in a state other than his role, provided that this is presented to the General Assembly in its convening or by correspondence for approval.
E- It is permissible for the General Assembly to branch out all or one of the following committees:
(1) Political Affairs Committee.
(2) The Economic Affairs Committee.
(3) The Social and Cultural Affairs Committee.
(4) The Administrative and Financial Affairs Committee.
F- Any member may attend the meetings of any of these committees and he may present what he deems necessary for their work, whether to the chairman or the rapporteur of this committee or through the General Secretariat.
These committees shall carry out their work according to what is mentioned in Clause Three, Article (66) page (29)
G - The General Assembly may establish advisory committees entrusted with providing advice in a specific field, provided that it submits its report to the competent committees.
H - The general assembly meeting is not considered valid except with the attendance of the absolute majority of the members, and if the number is not complete, the meeting is postponed to another session to be held within a period of at least 24 hours from the date of the first meeting and the meeting in this case is valid so that the number of attendees is not less than one third of the members affiliated with the union.
(B) Union Board of Directors.
The Federation’s Board of Directors consists of the Federation’s President (Chairman), the two Vice Presidents, one individual from each member association or institution and the General Secretariat as members.
The tasks and specializations of the Board of Directors: -
Concluding the necessary agreements to achieve the objectives of the Federation and submitting them to the General Assembly for approval.
Review the report of the Secretary-General and the auditor and submit it to the General Assembly.
Approving the internal regulations that organize the workflow based on the proposal of the General Secretariat.
The board of directors holds its meetings at least once every year upon an invitation from the president of the union to consider the affairs of the federation. Its meetings are valid if attended by the majority of the members - and its decisions are issued by the majority The divorced party is present and if the votes are equal, the president's side is preferred.
Meeting with a board of directors delegated to the authority of the General Assembly.
(C) The General Secretariat
The General Secretariat consists of the Secretary General and a number of Assistant Secretaries General (no more than 2) and the Treasurer, and they are elected by the General Assembly, and the Secretary General shall be responsible for the following: -
Calling the general assembly and the board of directors to convene according to what is decided by the general assembly and the union president.
Implementing the decisions of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors, and the President of the Federation from the administrative point of view.
Preparing the draft agenda for the General Assembly and the Board of Directors, supervising the preparation of the General Assembly and Board of Directors meetings and the proceedings of the sessions, maintaining transactions, archives, studies and documents, controlling and recording them in their own records and carrying out all the administrative work required by these matters.
Editing all union correspondence and receiving incoming correspondence.
Keeping all documents, papers and seals of the federation at the union headquarters
Supervising the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly and signing them by the President of the Federation and the heads of societies, associations, bodies and delegates.
Preparing the annual report for presentation to the General Assembly / Board of Directors.
Supervising all the Federation's organs and institutions.
It appoints the necessary employees according to the budget, as well as determines the tasks assigned to them and considers their dismissal and support in accordance with the rules of procedure of the General Secretariat of the Federation.
Spending and signing disbursement orders jointly with the treasurer in accordance with the provisions of the financial regulations
Review deviations from the budget from the estimated budget and how to avoid them in the future, in addition to reviewing the treasurer’s report at the end of the year.
Follow up the implementation of what is required by the General Assembly and the Board of Directors regarding the work of the General Secretariat
Contact with external bodies is the link between the Federation and external bodies.
Responsible for imposing administrative and financial control to implement all or some of these duties
He is considered responsible for all the activities of the Federation's General Secretariat in terms of good regularity of work, and the heads of departments and sections are responsible to him for the efficiency of work .. He has the following authorities
(A) The right to search at all times.
(B) Issuing orders and directives to ensure the proper conduct of work.
(C) Sanctions authority according to the standing orders of the Federation.
The Secretary General shall assist the Assistant Secretary General in the work of the General Secretariat in accordance with the rules of procedure of the General Secretariat and shall be concerned with the following tasks: -
He assumes the responsibilities and powers of the Secretary-General in his absence.
Follow up the implementation of the decisions and recommendations of the General Assembly and refer to the Secretary General and the President of the Federation.
Follow up the implementation of the sessions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors and act as a reporter for one of the committees in accordance with the orders of the President of the Federation as well as monitoring the implementation of what the Board of Directors requests regarding the work of the General Secretariat.
Supervising social activities.
Supervising the coordination of work in the Federation from the administrative point of view and monitoring the implementation of all employees of their specializations and inspecting them.
Submit to the Secretary General periodic reports on the various aspects of the Federation’s activities to submit them to the General Assembly.
Responsible for the good regularity of work in the General Secretariat of the Federation and the heads of departments and divisions are considered responsible to him for the efficiency of work and he has, for example, the powers of penalties according to standing orders.
In the event that the Secretary General is absent from the headquarters of the Federation or is temporarily unable to perform his duties, the Assistant Secretary-General shall replace him.
In the event that it is not possible for the Secretary General to perform his duties at all, the General Assembly shall convene within six months to elect a new Secretary General upon the invitation of the “President of the Federation / Assistant Secretary-General” who replaced him.
In the event that he abstains from the invitation within the specified period, any association or organization that is a member of the union has the right to propose to call the general assembly to convene.
In the event that the Assistant Secretary-General is unable to perform his duties at all, he shall be elected instead of him in the same manner as the Secretary-General and with the same conditions.